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Zamia furfuracea



This beautiful old Cycad has been in our collection for about 20 years.

Cycads were once considered living fossils, a species unchanged and un-evolved since the time of the dinosaurs, about 300 million years ago.

DNA sequencing research now informs us that Cycads are only 12 million years old, and that they burst on the land plant scene in 300 species around the time that cacti and agave also appeared.  Those prolific bursts may have been the result of climate change.

There’s an informative 3-minute NPR story on Cycads at, an October 21, 2011 segment called 'Living Fossils' Just A Branch On Cycad Family Tree.

This tropical beauty is for sale for $55. It is in a 12 or 14”-inch pot in the company of some purple and green Tradescantia vines. It requires very bright indirect light. It will thrive under a shade tree or a couple of feet in from the edge of a porch. Its leaves feel like cardboard to the touch, but they are radiant in a vibrant shade of green. This species is native to the southeastern portion of the Mexican state of Veracruz.

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1812 Houston St.
By Appointment Only
(956) 319-8001
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By Appointment Only
$40 Minimum Order



Zoning (R-O) in the St. Peter's Historic Neighborhood and the Home Occupation certificate issued to us as an online retail business by the City of Laredo Building Development Services/Zoning Division precludes shopping onsite at 1812 Houston Street. It is not allowed, and per those requirements we can only deliver your online order curbside by appointment.

We made every effort to present customers with an accurate visual on what is for sale in our product line, including, in many cases, what the plant looks like at maturity.

We also tried to be accurate with botanical nomenclature, though as amateur horticulturists we may have erred now and again.

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