Our Soil

Plants, most of them, require light, water, and a growing medium that feeds them and drains well.

We grow most of our stock in very good light, just short of direct sunlight; and we water when dry. Don’t water on a schedule. Water when the soil is not dark and moist. 

Our bacteria-activated soil, which I have mixed and used for about four decades, drains well and provides minerals and nutrients. Its three components are simply peat moss; perlite (white pumice) and sand for drainage; and a blend of organic compost, manure, minerals, and a shot of liquid soil activator that brings the mix to life.

We use this medium to start seeds and to cultivate cuttings. We use small pots for rooting, upsizing only when the plant has filled the pot with roots. A small plant transplanted to a large pot will probably try to grow roots rather than foliage, and it will likely receive much more water than it needs. We upsize pots gradually. Over-potting can be lethal, especially for succulents that like to dry out a bit before their next watering. Succulents like small, tight containment.

You can make a 20-pound bag of commercial potting soil a better medium by making it drain better with a bit more perlite.
You can boost its nutrient value with some organic compost, bone meal, and blood meal.

Take a water and light lesson from the succulents you see in big box stores that have a nursery attached. These are good places to buy landscaping stock, clay pots, peat moss, compost, garden tools, precise little pruning shears, and a myriad of other garden products and tools. Their succulents look fabulous the day they arrive — and that’s the optimum time to buy — but in time, after being watered on a schedule and sitting in too little light, they begin a visible decline.

We deliver.

Curbside Pick-Up
1812 Houston St.
By Appointment Only
(956) 319-8001
We accept
Cash in exact amount
Your Curbside
By Appointment Only
$40 Minimum Order



Zoning (R-O) in the St. Peter's Historic Neighborhood and the Home Occupation certificate issued to us as an online retail business by the City of Laredo Building Development Services/Zoning Division precludes shopping onsite at 1812 Houston Street. It is not allowed, and per those requirements we can only deliver your online order curbside by appointment.

We made every effort to present customers with an accurate visual on what is for sale in our product line, including, in many cases, what the plant looks like at maturity.

We also tried to be accurate with botanical nomenclature, though as amateur horticulturists we may have erred now and again.

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